Genre busting duo Gretchen Koehler & Daniel Kelly set fiddle tunes ablaze with new grooves. Their unique soundscape infuses the energy of traditional dance music with the irresistible rhythms of jazz. The fiddle and piano weave in and out of jigs and reels with a delivery that ranges from elegant to fierce, searing to sensitive. Their new approach has caught the attention of the folk music establishment, most notably NPR's Thistle & Shamrock showcasing "Best New Sounds" from rising artists.  "Masterful." -Fiddler Magazine

Fiddler Gretchen Koehler

Gretchen Koehler is a champion fiddler with an atlas of musical styles at her fingertips. Her left hand has an Irish brogue, her bow arm provides a distinct American Old Time drive while her feet hammer out accompaniment on the floorboards in typical Quebecois style.  An early standout in the American and Canadian fiddle contest circuit,  TIME Magazine identified Koehler as “astonishingly good.”  She was inducted into the North American Fiddlers’ Hall of Fame (NY State rep.), and most recently Fiddler Magazine labeled her one of the futures of Celtic fiddle. 

Daniel Kelly is an award-winning pianist and composer. He has performed with jazz legends Michael Brecker, hip-hop star Lauryn Hill, modern classical giants the Bang on a Can All-Stars and toured throughout Southeast Asia and India as a part of the US State department-sponsored Jazz Ambassador program. His music has been declared “powerfully moving” by Time Out New York.

Pianist Daniel Kelly

Masterful. Welcome to the future of Celtic fiddle.
— Fiddler Magazine




An instrumental marriage made in heaven.
— FATEA Magazine, England


“Fiddling With Traditions” is a fun, imaginative, muti-media concert that features fiddler/composer Gretchen Koehler & pianist Daniel Kelly in a “brilliant exploration of American Folk Arts.” From heart pumping musical arrangements to peaceful panoramas, their expressive soundscapes capture the spirit of blacksmithing, quilting, woodworking, and much more. Learn More.

A brilliant exploration of American Folk Arts.

What this duo has put together is exquisite!
— Audience Reaction


Best New Sounds
— Thistle & Shamrock, NPR