PHOTO OUTTAKES: Koehler & Kelly's Human Easel
With a July tour booked, Koehler & Kelly were "official" and we needed to update our solo head shots to a picture of the two of us together. Living 6 hours apart certainly makes things like this a challenge. With only a moment of down time between performances, my friend Ola Aldous agreed to do a speedy photo shoot, lending us one of her beautiful paintings as a backdrop.
Photo: Ola Aldous
Daniel and Ola quickly learned that I might very well be the most squeamish person ever to be in front of a camera. Daniel and his family tried everything to get me to relax from telling jokes, making faces and singing broadway show tunes.
While we were "working it" in front of the canvas, the bulk of the "leg work" was done by Ola's husband, Claude aka "the human easel." Incidentally, he held the painting upside down for our shoot so no distinct images would be obvious. To see the figure in the painting as intended, flip the screen to reveal Long Awaiting.
The upside down version of Ola Aldous's "Long Awaiting" (50″ x 52″).
VIDEO: Established in their own genres, fiddler Gretchen Koehler and pianist Daniel Kelly talk about their dynamic new sound that combines Irish fiddling with jazz piano.